Wordle Unlimited
Luckle is a game that works in a similar way to Wordle, but it lets us choose the word's ending instead of just guessing it. In particular, the word can have between 4 and 11 letters.
Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Unlimited
Weaver Game

Luckle is a game that works in a similar way to Wordle, but it lets us choose the word's ending instead of just guessing it. In particular, the word can have between 4 and 11 letters.



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Luckle is a game that works in a similar way to Wordle, but it lets us choose the word's ending instead of just guessing it. In particular, the word can have between 4 and 11 letters. But there is one big difference that gives its name away. And it's because you're always lucky in Luckle. No matter what word you put in, the result will always be positive. This game is for you if you don't like things to be hard.

How to play Luckle

There will be a 5-letter target word, and you will have six chances to guess it correctly. As a hint, the letters light up in different colors after each guess. Green means a letter belongs in this spot, yellow means it belongs somewhere else in the target word, and gray means it doesn't belong at all. Click "About" in the game to see how things work.

In this version, you can choose how many letters you want in your word and then type in any word you want to get the right answer immediately. I guess you're just always lucky in this clone, because your first guess is always right.