Wordle Unlimited
Factle is a new Wordle spin-off that asks users to solve a daily fact-based challenge, such as which songs on Spotify have been streamed the most. Users must then pick the top five answers.
Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Unlimited
Weaver Game

Factle is a new Wordle spin-off that asks users to solve a daily fact-based challenge, such as which songs on Spotify have been streamed the most. Users must then pick the top five answers.



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Factle is a new Wordle spin-off that asks users to solve a daily fact-based challenge, such as which songs on Spotify have been streamed the most. Users must then pick the top five answers. The developer of Factle is Garrett Scott. As its name implies, it is a fact-based game. Each day, players are presented with a new fact question.

How to play Factle

Factle game is a bit like Wordle, but instead of guessing a five-letter word, it's all about ranking five facts in order. There is a fact at the top and multiple options are presented below. The player has to put the words in the options in the right order from 1 to 5. You can use Wikipedia or any other source to help you figure out the right order. In total, there are 25 blocks and 23 options. In these blocks, players have to put the words in the right order based on the fact given.

For example, the heaviest animal on the planet (in terms of top weight) is Factle fact of the day. After that, Factle Wordle will give you blocks where you can choose your answers. There are many options to choose from, including Brown Bears, Orcas, Rhinos, Giant Squids, Moose, Elephant Seals, Camels, Tigers, Crocodiles, and much more. Players must rank these words appropriately in the top five positions.

Rules of Factle

Just like in the Wordle game, the rules are easy to understand. There are five columns and five rows where players must put their guesses. After you fill out the first row and hit the "Enter" button, the colors will change to show: answers that are in the top five but are in the wrong position will turn yellow once a row is completed, and green once they are in the correct position.

You'll be given five rows, so you have five chances to figure out the right order. If you like trivia, you might like the game Factle. Have fun!

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