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Warmle is similar to Wordle, but a yellow clue tells you if you are within 3 letters of the right letter for that spot.
You can guess the word 5 times in Warmle. Everyone starts with the same clue, which is chosen at random.
Letters in your guess are:
When the letter is correct, it will be green. You keep the letter if you hit (green). There's no need to guess again.
Yellow if that letter doesn't belong there, but it's close! (alphabetically within three letters).
Grey if it's more than 3 from the right letter.
The thermometer at the bottom is a kind of progress meter. It shows how many words in the dictionary you've ruled out so far based on the clues you've gotten.
The distance is only 2 instead of 3 in the Super Warmle bonus games. And it goes down to 1 in Super Warmle PLUS bonus games. Have fun!