Wordle Unlimited
Lewdle is a variation of Wordle, in which players are asked to guess which of a set of five-letter words is being used. This is a copy of Wordle based on swear words, like Sweardle.
Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Unlimited
Weaver Game

Lewdle is a variation of Wordle, in which players are asked to guess which of a set of five-letter words is being used. This is a copy of Wordle based on swear words, like Sweardle.



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Lewdle is a variation of Wordle, in which players are asked to guess which of a set of five-letter words is being used. This is a copy of Wordle based on swear words, like Sweardle. The words in Lewdle range from mild to downright unsafe for the workplace. You get one puzzle per day.

How to Play Lewdle

Wordle's objective is to guess the secret word in six attempts using hints; Lewdle's objective is exactly the same, except all of the words, are rude. When you have a green highlight on any of your letters, you have the right letter in the right place. If any of the letters are highlighted in yellow, that means they are in the word, but in the wrong place. In addition, if any of your letters are highlighted in grey, that means they're not in the secret word.

You also have to guess a word. You can't just type random letters, like vowels, to try to figure out the code.

Lewdle is not the first time that Wordle has been used in a rude way. There's also Sweardle, who only says words with four letters. There is only one puzzle per day, so you'll have to wait until the next day to try a different one.


The creator of Lewdle, Gary Whitta, is a screenwriter, author, game designer, and video game journalist. It is in no way affiliated with Wordle.

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