Wordle Unlimited
Song For a Bird
Song for a Bird is a word riddle game about the lonely little song bird. It has easy-to-learn point and click gameplay, and it features an inbuilt hint system to help you when you get stuck.
Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Unlimited
Weaver Game

Song For a Bird
Song for a Bird is a word riddle game about the lonely little song bird. It has easy-to-learn point and click gameplay, and it features an inbuilt hint system to help you when you get stuck.

Song For a Bird

Song For a Bird

Song For a Bird

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Wordle Unlimited» Song For a Bird

Song For a Bird


Song for a Bird is a word riddle game about the lonely little song bird. It has easy-to-learn point and click gameplay, and it features an inbuilt hint system to help you when you get stuck. What's more, both fun and educational! Can you guess all of the words without using hints?

This puzzle game requires you to piece together various words in order to create a beautiful song for the pink bird sitting on her branch all alone, but with no one singing alongside her yet. If you get stuck, don't worry! There's always help available with cryptic clues from your hint button at the bottom right corner of your screen. As long as the play continues there will always be challenges which become more difficult over time and lyrics that become increasingly cryptic too! Song for A Bird has beautifully designed graphics with simple gameplay which will keep players entertained for hours on end.


Song for a bird was made by Bart Bonte: "Today exactly 10 years ago I started this bontegames and here's my brand new free browser game to celebrate these 10 years of puzzle game blogging. I hope you enjoy this game! You can play the game in a browser on your desktop/laptop, but since it's html5 it should also work on your mobile devices."

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