Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Squared
If you've ever played Wordle, you should try Wordle-Squared. In Wordle-Squared, you have to use Wordle clues to fill in a crossword grid.
Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Unlimited
Weaver Game

Wordle Squared
If you've ever played Wordle, you should try Wordle-Squared. In Wordle-Squared, you have to use Wordle clues to fill in a crossword grid.

Wordle Squared

Wordle Squared

Wordle Squared
8 3.25

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Wordle Unlimited» Wordle Squared

Wordle Squared


If you've ever played Wordle, you should try Wordle-Squared. In Wordle-Squared, you have to use Wordle clues to fill in a crossword grid.

How to play

Click on a space in the grid to choose a word, and click again to switch between words that go up and down and words that go left and right. You have 9 guesses per cell to figure out all the letters in the grid. As you make guesses, you'll learn how well each letter fits within the grid:

Green letters: The letter is right. In the answer, this square is shown.
Yellow letters: Even though the letter isn't in this spot, it's still hidden in both words that have this cell.
Gray letters: There is no letter in this vertical-word or column-word.

On the board to the right (below on mobile), you can see what people have guessed before and how they did.

 This cell could be part of a word with a letter. This orange tile was part of an earlier guess, but that letter has since been found.

Oisin Carroll makes Wordle-Squared.