Wordle Unlimited
The goal of Wordlethree is to guess the right three-letter word in no more than six turns. If you find five-letter words too simple, try Wordlethree.
Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Unlimited
Weaver Game

The goal of Wordlethree is to guess the right three-letter word in no more than six turns. If you find five-letter words too simple, try Wordlethree.



6 4.17

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Wordle Unlimited» Wordlethree



The goal of Wordlethree is to guess the right three-letter word in no more than six turns.

How to play

To play Wordlethree, type a 3-letter word on your keyboard or the on-screen keyboard. Click "Enter" to send in your guess. After that, the letters will change to one of three colors:

The letters that were correctly guessed will be colored green. If you guess wrong, the letters will turn grey. The color yellow will be used to point out letters that belong to the word but are in the wrong place. Guessing the same letter multiple times is acceptable. Check how many yellow and green letters are in each word after each try. This helps you figure out words faster since we only have six chances. Make sure each guess counts, and never guess without taking the hints into account.

Just like with Wordle, you should start with words that have as many vowels as possible. A summary of your results will be given to you. If you click the "Share Results" button, these results will be copied to your clipboard.

If you find five-letter words too simple, try Wordlethree. Every answer to a puzzle is a three-letter word, which makes it twice as hard. Wordle players might like this good alternative to Wordle.