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Star Wordle features a new secret word related to Star Wars every day. If you're a Star Wars enthusiast, this Wordle clone is for you. The word of the day will be guessed by using any five-letter term from the Wookieepedia.
Star Wars is a franchise that has several TV shows, movies, comic books, video games, and books. Star Wordle game works the same way as Wordle. In Wordle Star Wars, you will get a dictionary with more than 14,000 words in it.
Similar to Wordle, each green letter represents the correct letter in the correct spot and each yellow letter represents the correct letter in the incorrect place, while you try to guess the five-letter word within six guesses or less. For droid-related purposes, numbers are also allowed.
Star Wordle game was made by Aurebesh Files. Every day there's one puzzle for everyone-kind of like a crossword or sudoku in the newspaper-so once you finish it, you have to wait until tomorrow.