Wordle Unlimited
Wordle 2
The new version of Wordle is called Wordle 2, and it is a word-guessing game in which users have six chances to guess the correct six-letter word.
Wordle Unlimited
Wordle Unlimited
Weaver Game

Wordle 2
The new version of Wordle is called Wordle 2, and it is a word-guessing game in which users have six chances to guess the correct six-letter word.

Wordle 2

Wordle 2

Wordle 2
4 4.25

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Wordle Unlimited» Wordle 2

Wordle 2


The new version of Wordle is called Wordle 2, and it is a word-guessing game in which users have six chances to guess the correct six-letter word. 

Wordle 2: What are the steps?

If you have never played Wordle 2, here are the steps to get started. Wordle 2 uses the same formula as Wordle but with a twist.

  • Each player starts by typing in a six-letter word.
  • Depending on whether your guessed word appears in the answer, the letters in it will change.
  • When a letter changes color to blue, it indicates that it is in the right place.
  • When letters turn yellow, it means they're in the word but in the wrong place.
  • If a letter turns gray, it doesn't appear in the answer.
  • You have six chances to guess the mystery word using those clues.

The game now switches from a five-letter word to six letters. However, there are only six chances available, so it becomes quite difficult. You'll need to check in twice a day to keep up with Wordle 2, as new puzzles are released every twelve hours rather than every twenty-four in base Wordle.

Try out the base Wordle here if you're curious to try out the other word-guessing game.